Mapped trails of M. disstria caterpillars; charcoal on paper.
When older, forest tent caterpillars break their loyalty to pheromone trails in order to avoid competition for resources and to find a suitable place to spin their cocoons. At this point, we thought of the caterpillars as artists in their own right, no longer obeying their choreographed movements. Here, we placed caterpillars in non-toxic charcoal dust and let them roam on paper according to their own predilections, essentially mapping their movement. Looking carefully at the drawings reveals their easily recognizable footprints. The original drawings did not stand the tests of time and were destroyed; these digital versions of the drawings are all that remain.
​​​​​​​Saturation: Luumi Event (Montreal, Quebec) - July 8, 2023 
Animal Intent: Apexart (New York, New York), January 19 - March 18, 2017
En Masse: FOFA Gallery (Montreal, Quebec), April 20 - May 29, 2015

BTS Footage of Caterpillar Cartography
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